In this new showcase I’m featuring four Modern Quilters that you will love!
Ally Ryde
So, I think I have always been a maker, and I come from a line of makers (grandmother and grandfather, mother and father). I think I went on an unintentional creative hiatus for a bit of a chunk of time (like 15years, probably while using the other side of my brain as an engineer). I’m back full on now. Like, quilts quilts quilts – I dream of them at night!
My family was completely shocked when I asked for a sewing machine for my 30th birthday. I guess I hadn’t shown any real interest up until then.
In 2017 I decided to make a quilt for my first born daughter. Cue hormonal pregnant woman trying to work out how to sew a quilt. Let’s just say, my mum put the binding on for me after I wrangled that thing for a grumpy few months. I was also given a quilt for my daughter’s birth, made by a friend’s mum which was such a special gift, and opened my eyes to the significance of an heirloom piece.
Then I didn’t do any more until 2019 when I was pregnant with my second daughter, and I made quilts for… five OTHER people’s babies…
2020 I got really hooked and have been making all kinds of stuff. I tried EPP, FPP, all the P’s, plus looking at things and going “I can make that”, cutting up fabrics and plunging right in as soon as I saw something I liked. Result: Large pile of WIPs…
My mum has always sewn, clothes predominantly and some incredible hand quilted pieces mostly in the ‘90s. It’s only now I really appreciate the amount of work that is in them. I have learnt a lot about sewing from my mum, and quilting more specifically from trial and error, and then online, just free tutorials, youtube videos etc. It’s amazing how generous people are with sharing their skills and knowledge.
Late one night on Instagram (we’ve all been there, right?) I stumbled across Quilt Improv Studio, and jumped into one of their improv challenges, having no clue actually what improv was. I still don’t know, but I do know it’s awesome! I took my first ever quilt class in December 2020, with Irene Roderick, which really opened a whole door for me into the artistic side of quilt making. An ongoing exploration.
Things that inspire me to create include:
Angles, buildings, shadows, objects, fonts, shapes, that perfect bundle of hair ties your daughter brings you, a few random pencils selected by your one year old…
What are your favorite colors?
I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about colours, I’d like to be more deliberate with colour use, but so far I just go with intuition. I generally work from donated fabrics/reclaimed clothing etc, so I try to just go with what is available. I bought my first ever Kona this year (2021). But there is so much fabric in the world, it seems a shame not to use that up. My 85year old neighbour has been sewing since she was 14. She is very generous with her scraps and leftovers.
There is so much content and inspiration and stimulation out there, sometimes it is very hard not to try and emulate something you have seen. I think I like improv for that reason, it almost releases you from that feeling of “oh gosh, am I appropriating or approximating something that someone else has made?” Even if you try, by the time you sew it all together it looks so different. There is certainly plenty to learn and I am excited to see where this rabbit hole will go.

Zafira Vaxevanidou
Around 2009 I started looking for a new hobby, as I lived in a village with few interesting things to do, and plenty of time to spend. It was around that time when blogging got really popular and many people blogged about all sorts of things, I myself used to have a blog about cinema.
I bought my first sewing machine, and learned everything through YouTube tutorials and a couple of books. I remember trying to avoid experimenting with quilting, cause I thought it was too expensive and really easy to get addicted, so I started with a couple of garments. Literally a couple! Then I got hooked on quilting, and that was it. I remember some really pixelated tutorials of elder women (pioneers for me) on YouTube that taught me so many things.
From that point on, my style has changed a lot, and the type of quilts that I make, and since I dared to start using solid fabrics, that was a turning point for me. I think you can’t make a modern quilt without experimenting with solid fabrics.
I am really obsessed with accuracy in piecing and with color. These are my two guides. I have learned how to use a designing software for the last 6 years and I do all my designing there. Color matching, shapes, everything. And then I move on to textiles. Geometry and graphic design are an important part of my inspiration. And of course Instagram was a revolution in inspiring and influencing quilters.
I am Greek and a Forest Engineer by profession, but since 2013 I have dedicated myself to my family and my quilting. I have a home sewing studio dedicated to my work (and hobby).I have a 5 year-old boy, and my husband is a musician.
I am also running a YouTube Channel, THE QUILT CODEX, since 2014, where I film video tutorials of quilt blocks.
My plans for the future include launching more quilt patterns and start teaching quilting online and in person here in my hometown.

Augusto Garcia
My name is Augusto and I was born in Vigo (Spain) 46 years ago. From a very young age I already had artistic tendencies and I graduated in Fine Art at the age of 24. I had a little time as a graphic designer, but for 20 years I specialized in brand architecture, designing and building stands.
In May 2020, when the Covid19 pandemic broke out, all the fairs were canceled and I had to stop working. Being a very restless person, I took an online contemporary patchwork course and was immediately hooked. Everything I have learned from quilting has been reading books and practicing a lot.
My main inspirations are from pop-art, mid century architecture and graphic design. My palettes are usually highly colorful, perhaps because I am colorblind!, although if I had to choose a color, I would stick with red without hesitation. When designing my quilts, I like clear lines and bold contrasting colours.

Emily Tindall
My journey with quilting began when I was 19! My grandma helped me make my first quilt which was made entirely of Half Square Triangles and shortly after that I discovered the modern quilting community on instagram, which inspired me to continue making & learning. Since then I’ve made countless quilts and even begun designing my own quilt patterns.
My favorite color palettes are bright, cheerful, and colorful, and my favorite designs usually involve traditional quilt block pieces arranged in a more modern design. I now have quite a few family members who quilt, including my mom & aunts – we always have such fun together quilting or talking about quilts even though we each have our own unique styles.
One of my absolute favorite things about quilting is how I can empower others by teaching new techniques & tips via my blog & YouTube channel, and how I can also always learn something new from other creative people in the community too!